En 150 transferencias al año de un petrolero a otro en el Firth of Forth de Escocia. Para los que no conozcáis la zona, es de altísimo valor ecológico y en especial para las aves marinas, con colonias de cria tan importantes en las cercanias como la de Isla de May o la mitica Bass Rock.
Se agradece la máxima difusión de esta petición entre los colectivos y personas interesadas.
Firmas en la página de kimo
Forth Ports Plc and Melbourne Marine Services have applied to
transfer 8 million tonnes of Russian heavy crude oil in 150
transfers per year between tankers moored together, as shown
above, in the Firth of Forth. These transfers will be taking place
in open water only a few miles from internationally important
populations of wintering waders on the Forth coastline, which
is a Special Protection Area, and breeding seabirds colonies
on the Forth Islands. The nearby Isle of May is also a Special
Area of Conservation due to its breeding seal population and
underwater reefs. In addition to these areas of conservation
two Marine Environment High Risk Areas (MEHRA's) for
shipping have also recently been designated in the Forth.
If like us you believe that these proposed transfers, which bring
limited economic benefit to the area but significantly increase the
chance of a catastrophic oil spill, should be stopped by the
Scottish Executive please add your name to the petition below.